Exploring Strathcona Park
Exploring Strathcona Park
Check in here for corrections and updates to Exploring Strathcona Park. Please note that updated chapters and new route postings are to be considered works in progress until they appear in print.
If you have corrections or new information submit your details while they're still fresh!
Listed below are corrections and/or updates to Exploring Strathcona Park which can be noted in your print edition. These may be errors that effect the utility of the information in the book. If you notice any additional errors please .
Last updated 16/08/2023
page 190 - Map of Elk River valley and part of Northern Strathcona
correction: Caution Bridge Out - should be farther right indicating no bridge over Tlools Creek. The Elk River Timber Co. Road bridge over the Elk River is still in place.
page 230 - Location of route to Elk Pass 49.7793˚N, -125.8521˚W
correction: Should read: 49.7704°, -125.8455°
page 255 - Location of route to Elk Pass 49.7793˚N, -125.8521˚W
correction: Should read: 49.7704°, -125.8455°
page 386 - First paragraph says "...keeping to the west side of the ridge above the east shore of Love Lake."
correction: Should read: ...the east side of the ridge above the west shore of Love Lake.