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Wild Isle Adventures, guided hiking trips on Vancouver Island

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Wild Isle Productions.


Strathcona Centennial Expedition
film & slide presentation

The story of the Strathcona Centennial Expedition told with live slide presentation and a screening of the documentary film shot on the expedition. Tells the story of BC's first Provincial Park through two expeditions a hundred years apart.

SCE 2010 web site>

January 28, Friday
- Strathcona Centennial Expedition - film and slide presentation. 7 pm at the Quadra Island Community Centre
Tickets $10 at the door

February 19, Saturday
- Strathcona Centennial Expedition - film and slide presentation. 1 pm at the Museum at Campbell River
Tickets $6 at the door

- Strathcona Centennial Expedition - film and slide presentation. 7 pm at the Stan Hagen Theatre (NIC) Courtenay
Tickets $10 at the door

February 23, Wednesday
- Strathcona Centennial Expedition - film and slide presentation. 7 pm at the Echo Centre, Port Alberni
Tickets $10 at the door

February 24, Thursday
- Strathcona Centennial Expedition - film and slide presentation. 7 pm at Dover Bay Secondary School, Nanaimo
Tickets $10 at the door

March 1, Tuesday
- Strathcona Centennial Expedition - film and slide presentation. 7 pm at the Wright Centre, UVic, Victoria, BC
Tickets $10 at the door

If you'd like to book a date in your community
contact Philip Stone by email or call 250-285-2234

Due to demand and other considerations we'd prefer venues and promotions to be capable of an audience of at least 60. Screening and admission fees apply, with profits going to the Strathcona Centennial Legacy Fund.

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Last modified Thu, Oct 11, 2012

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