Submission Guidelines
If you plan on sending route info to us here are a few things to keep in mind.
We ideally require a sketched map of the location of the route, A type written description of what is involved including length, grade and other relavent technical info, clean photographs of the route with no lines or other markings showing as much perspective as possible, a second copy of any photos with a line showing the route (a photocopy for this is fine), a photo of someone on the route would be nice too.
We can accept, slides, negatives and prints in order of preference. Duplicate slides and copies of prints preferred.
If you have digital photos or would prefer to submit scanned images we require a minimum of 5x7 inches at 300 dpi. Colour or black & white are fine. Use tiff, jpeg or psd formats for digital images.
Use Word or any standard word processing software for written material. Please don't send us anything in MS Publisher.
Submissions may be sent by email to:
or send hard copy by mail to:
Box 280, Quathiaski Cove BC V0P 1N0